Current News

Inspiring a Generation of Bird Protectors

Temperate grasslands are one of the world’s greatest biomes

In the Great Plains alone, 97% of tallgrass prairie, 71% of mixed grass prairie, and 48% of shortgrass prairie had been lost by 2003. There are 42 species of North […]

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Finding Comfort in Traditional Knowledge


School for Manitoban children has been cancelled until September, but that doesn’t mean that learning has stopped. ​Shianne McKay, a Senior Project Manager with CIER, is taking homeschooling in stride. […]

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Shining Lights Energy Literacy and Language in the NWT


Did you know that by making changes in small, everyday decisions you can save money, conserve heat and energy, and preserve the environment by reducing your diesel footprint? Simple actions like turning off […]

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Read about the latest indepth stories about CIER: project initiatives, Indigenous communities, supporters..


Youth adding their voices to the conversation about reconciliation and our environment can be very powerful and that’s exactly what youth who attended our Podcasting 101 workshop did

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