Indigenous Food Security Project

Climate change has caused many harmful environmental impacts across Canada and the world. Some of the more prominent effects include:  

  • Altered land, air, and water temperatures  
  • Thawing permafrost 
  • More frequent extreme weather events 
  • Drought 

These impacts bring about food security and food safety issues for Indigenous communities, as changes to the land and water hinder their ability to conduct traditional hunting and foraging practices. In order to raise awareness on these issues, CIER in collaboration with the National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases has conducted an Environmental Scan and developed resource materials that highlight food security issues across Canada. Along with the below pamphlets serving regions across Canada that surveyed key findings, an online storybook showing the impacts of climate change on Indigenous food security and safety has been created as well.

As well as the resource materials, CIER hosted a Food Security Webinar on February 1, 2024 to shed light on the challenges faced by Indigenous communities regarding food security and safety in relation to climate change. This event received great feedback with representation from across Canada. Best practices were discussed on how to support Indigenous Nations in the food-security-climate change nexus while seeking input on advancing future food sovereignty initiatives.

Webinar Agenda / Project Overview / Project Results / Graphic Recording

Indigenous Food Security Webinar- February 1, 2024

For more information, contact Jennifer Lisle at [email protected]