CIER, with our First Nation partners, created a tool that provides guidance for First Nations who want to take action on watershed planning.
These guidebooks propose a model of watershed planning that is led by First Nations and creates an opportunity to address unique First Nation needs, relationships, and rights. These guidebooks aim to support increased First Nations’ involvement in regional watershed planning processes.
- Guidance Book: Getting Started
- Volume 1: Describing Your Approach: Know Yourself
- Volume 2: Building Partnerships: Collaborative Relationships
- Volume 3: Knowing Your Watershed: All Our Relations
- Volume 4: Achieving Consensus on the Plan: Design the Plan
- Volume 5: Bringing the Plan to Life: Follow Through
Thank you to the RBC Blue Water Project for funding this important project. Thank you to the Hupacasath First Nation (BC), the Mikisew Cree First Nation Industry Relations (AB), the Union of Nova Scotia Indians, and the Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources (NS) for working with us and sharing their experiences.