Donations from people like you help us do the work we do. Two weeks before your birthday, you’ll receive a notification directly from Facebook inviting you to host a campaign for a non-profit. This is a simple way for your friends and family to donate to a cause that you care about!
When you go to create your fundraiser, simply search for CIER and select “CIER: Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources” in the drop-down menu of non-profit choices.
When setting your fundraising goal, remember that every donation, no matter the size, helps CIER support Indigenous communities!
Facebook lets you add photos and a few words about why you’re hosting this fundraiser and why CIER’s work is so important. Feel free to use our pre-written example or tell your own story! Example: “The Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources believes we need to collaborate with Indigenous communities to save the planet. They support Indigenous communities who are tackling a variety of environmental challenges, like water quality and species at risk. They are using a blend of Indigenous Knowledge and Western science to make lasting, positive change in Canada.”
Share with your friends! Make sure you share your CIER Birthday Fundraiser with your friends and family on and off Facebook! All you need to donate is an active Facebook account.
Facebook deals with the donation collection and distribution, so that’s one less worry for you. With just a few simple steps you can be helping CIER keep saving the planet!