Climate Resilient Health Systems Initiative (CRHS)

Climate change is affecting the health and well-being of First Nations and Inuit across Canada in diverse and profound ways and exacerbating existing challenges. Exposure to extreme weather events (e.g., wildfires, floods, storms), extreme temperatures, changes to air and water quality, food safety and security, and climate-related disease vector ecology creates direct and indirect health risks and significantly impacts cultural ways of life and connections with the land.

The full range of activities and culturally relevant factors that support health and well-being (or “health systems”) for First Nations and Inuit are also at risk from climate change.  Climate-related events, for example, could damage health infrastructure (e.g. designated health centres) and affect timely delivery of care, emergency transportation routes, and provision of medical supplies. Increasing frequency and intensity of these events and climate variability can create conditions that could overwhelm health system capacity.

The Climate Resilient Health Systems Initiative (CRHS) is a two-year initiative (2023-2025) funded by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) as part of Canada’s National Adaptation Strategy (NAS). Its purpose is to increase understanding of the climate change gaps and needs in the health services funded and/or delivered by ISC. This initiative will inform future work under the National Adaptation Strategy. Results of this work will help to identify future needs under the NAS and efforts required to build resiliency in First Nations and Inuit communities in Canada. 

The CRHS will also support capacity building in communities by helping participants to identify key gaps and strategies to manage climate-related challenges that affect health and well-being and health systems functioning. This information will be collected through engagements held by regional Indigenous organizations across the country, with results shared in a final report which may be helpful to inform climate change adaptation strategies. Tools will also be developed with guidance for communities on how to conduct a climate change and health vulnerability assessment and strategies to build climate resilient health systems that service communities.  

As part of the CRHS, CIER hosted a webinar in the spring of 2024 targeted at First Nations organizations leading engagements in each region. This webinar provided information on:

  1. Climate change impacts on the health and wellbeing of First Nations and communities;
  2. Climate change impacts on health systems, programs, and services for First Nations; and
  3. Strategies and resources for building climate resiliency into health systems.  

The webinar recording is available in English and French.

For those who participated in the webinar or listened to the recording after the live webinar, we invite you to respond to the following evaluation questions and submit them to: [email protected].

  1. What about this webinar did you find helpful?
  2. What additional themes would you like to hear about?
  3. What climate resilient activities is your community doing? 
  4. What kinds of assistance would be helpful for your community to continue its work?

For additional information on Indigenous Services Canada’s Climate Resilient Health Systems including resources currently under development, please contact the Climate Change Adaptation Program at: [email protected].